Scriptcase help text
Scriptcase help text

scriptcase help text scriptcase help text

If isinstance(self.markup_preview, HtmlFrame): Hello, i created a link to every row of a grid. Why can i show the button With the button it should execute a simple php function (update one field in a record set). Style().configure("TButton", padding=(0, 5, 0, 5),įor rowNb in range(0,len(self.peakData)): #why not just iterate over fitData instead of over a range? Because we want to be sure of the ordering for adding energy levels later Self.markup_preview = WhatText(self, background="white") Self.markup_preview.insert('1.0', markup_text) Must i link to a (blank) application, or can i execute a php function in the grid programming section Thanks. Label = Label(self, text="Peak '.format(self.winfo_width(), self.winfo_height(), xp, yp)) Selecting records from a Grid using the Run button Using masks in Data Entry Pivot Summary and Chart Creating and Using a library in Scriptcase Using the scfielddisplay and sclabel macro in an Ajax event. Self.text = Text( self, relief=SUNKEN, width=110, height=16) self.text.

Scriptcase help text